Tuesday, October 27, 2015
The Village Board met Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 7:00 PM at the village offices.
Present:John Spaeth, Mayor Debra Ellsworth, Trustee Matthew Ginter, Trustee John Markiewicz, Trustee
Excused: Patrick Barnett, Trustee Wendy Reu, Village Clerk, Recording Secretary
Mayor Spaeth called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Motion to approve the minutes of the September 25, 2015 Regular Meeting was made by Trustee Markiewicz, seconded by Trustee Ellsworth, and passed by voice vote as follows:
PUBLIC COMMENTS – John Rogers approached the Board requesting that the tree on Village property on Third Street, next to his property, be taken down. He stated that the tree is pushing the fence over and he is concerned that due to the height of the tree, it presents a hazard to his house if it were to come down due to storms. It was noted that the fence on the property line is property of the Village. Highway Superintendent Reidell noted that there is nothing wrong with the tree healthwise. Mayor Spaeth indicated that the Board members would take a look at the tree and discuss it at next month’s meeting. He informed Mr. Rogers that the Board would assess the situation and let him know their determination.
Peter Borrelli, a member of the Tree Commission, presented an overview of the group’s progress pertaining to developing a Tree Ordinance for the Board’s consideration. He indicated the group is reviewing sample ordinances from various municipalities and determining the best way to proceed for the Village of Northville. He stated there are several legal and financial issues that need to be considered when adopting an ordinance. Mayor Spaeth reminded the Board how the need for an ordinance came about, indicating that there were several trees in the terrace areas that needed to be trimmed due to hazards that they presented. He stated he spoke with the Village Attorney and was informed that regardless of ownership of the property, the Village owns the ROW and therefore the plantings in that ROW. Mayor Spaeth stated that the Village Attorney strongly encouraged an ordinance that addresses the trees in the ROW, diseased trees, who is responsible for them, who pays for the trees, the process for removal, etc. He indicated that everything needed to be clearly explained in the ordinance. Mr. Borrelli stated he hoped that the group would have a draft ready for the Board’s review by Thanksgiving.
Police – Mayor Spaeth reported that the Police department would be relocating to the office of the District Attorney in the Court Building. This move was approved at the recent Town Board meeting. It was also reported that the police car would be stored at the garage behind the fire department for the time being.
Streets – Trustee Ginter reported that the two small out buildings at Third Street have been torn down. He indicated that the cold storage facility at High Rock Road is completed. Trustee Ginter reported that Highway Superintendent Reidell had all 75 catch basins in the Village cleaned by the City of Johnstown at no cost to the municipality. Highway Superintendent Reidell indicated that he would like to have a cutoff date of November 5th for picking up cut brush. The Board felt that was a reasonable request and a notice would be issued.
Water – It was reported that usage increased from 2,345,000 gallons in September 2014 to 2,746,000 this year. Water testing and operations were normal.
Trustee Ginter questioned why the Village used JH Consulting for water testing as samples are now being taken to Loudonville. He asked if there was a closer facility to use due to the transportation costs. It was noted that in the past, samples were sent via overnight delivery. Mayor Spaeth stated he would look into transporting of the samples.
Mayor Spaeth reported that the repair of the leaking valve at Washington Street was tentatively scheduled for next week, as was the well rehab project.
Trustee Ellsworth asked if there was any indication from Darryl Roosa as to whether he was going to continue with the Water Department after this year. Mayor Spaeth reported that Darryl had indicated that he would be done June 1, 2016. Mayor Spaeth stated that Dan is currently training and the Village is working with the Town to arrange to back each other’s Water Department up.
Fire – Fire Department Report for September 2015
Village of Northville (5)
LZ 1
Edinburg Stand By 1
Wires Down 1
Brush Fire 1
Detector Activation 1
Town of Northampton (2)
Gas Grill Fire 1
Vehicle Gas Leak 1
Town of Hope (3)
Brush Fire 2
Hope Stand By 1
Total Man-hours reported were 110
Mayor Spaeth reported that Stephen West submitted a letter of resignation from Second Assistant Chief and Training Officer for the NFD. Mayor Spaeth stated for now the position of Second Assistant Chief would remain open but the department was looking to fill the Training Officer position as soon as possible.
Mayor Spaeth presented the 2016 Fire Contracts for the Towns of Northampton, Benson, and Hope. It was indicated that there were no rate changes from the previous year. Trustee Markiewicz made a motion to approve the 2016 Fire Contracts for the Towns of Northampton, Benson, and Hope as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ginter and carried by voice vote as follows:
Code Enforcement- Mayor Spaeth presented the Code Enforcement Officer’s report which indicated that four permits were issued in October.
Comprehensive Plan- Trustee Markiewicz reported that the group mailed 30 business owners in the Village invitations to the recent meeting and two owners attended. He indicated the group discussed the possibility of adding sewer services in the Village and the two business owners that attended didn’t feel that was a good idea.
Bills to be paid from the General Fund in the amount of $ 33,308.19, and from the Water Fund in the amount of $ 11,598.45 were presented for payment. Motion to approve payment was made by Trustee Ellsworth, seconded by Trustee Markiewicz, discussed, and carried by voice vote as follows:
Mayor Spaeth reported that Fulmont would be moving into the Beacon Insurance Building in November. He indicated that Fulmont has requested assistance from the highway crew in helping them relocate from the Third Street building to their new space.
Mayor Spaeth reported to the Board that NCS recently had a meeting with the municipalities that utilize the joint fuel facility to discuss a deficit in the fuel account. He indicated the school discovered a glitch pertaining to new key cards not being properly accounted for in the system. As a result of the issue, the Village owes $ 841.91. After continued discussion, Trustee Markiewicz made a motion to pay $ 841.91 to NCS. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ginter and carried by voice vote as follows:
Mayor Spaeth reported that a petition with 43 signatures in favor of removing the stop sign that was installed at the intersection of Division Street and Third Street was received from Dennis Poulin. Trustee Ginter stated he doesn’t see any additional information that would make him question the placement of the signs. After continued discussion, the Board agreed that there was no significant evidence to remove the stop sign at this time. Mayor Spaeth indicated he would be in contact with Mr. Poulin regarding the decision.
Trustee Ginter asked if any progress had been made with obtaining the keys for the sign on the Village green for the purpose of updating and maintenance, and it was indicated that there had been no response. Mayor Spaeth stated he would write a letter to the individual.
Mayor Spaeth gave a presentation regarding Cycle Adirondacks. He indicated that at a recent conference, he became acquainted with an individual who was setting up the 2016 event and he encouraged him to consider Northville as a stop on their tour. After reviewing the information, Cycle Adirondacks would like to make Northville one of their stops. Mayor Spaeth reported that each night of their stop, the group sponsors a concert series along with a beer and wine tent. They were looking to host the concert and beer and wine tent in the Waterfront Park. Mayor Spaeth indicated that the park use rules were in the process of being reviewed and events of this nature could be discussed. Trustee Markiewicz asked if they would be selling to the general public and the answer was yes. Mayor Spaeth indicated he has spoken with Tom Wood of the Timeless Tavern and the Cycle Adirondack group is amicable to working with Tom if he was interested in operating the beer and wine tent similar to the recent Octoberfest. Mayor Spaeth also reported that the group is proposing setting up camp on the school grounds and that meals would be brought in for the participants. He continued by stating that he felt this was a good opportunity for the community as the event will draw a lot of people to our area, to which the Board agreed.
Mayor Spaeth presented web site design proposals from Emery Designs for the Board’s consideration. After discussion on the different options, Trustee Ginter made a motion to approve the WordPress Content Management System at a cost of $ 2,950.00. The motion was seconded by Trustee Markiewicz and carried by voice vote as follows:
Mayor Spaeth presented a letter from Office for Aging requesting a $ 600.00 donation for the 2016 Senior Nutrition Program. Trustee Ginter made a motion to approve $ 600.00 for the Senior Nutrition Program. The motion was seconded by Trustee Markiewicz and carried by voice vote as follows:
Mayor Spaeth reported to the Board that he had received a letter from Dick Osborne offering the sale of the golf course to the Village and Town at a cost of $ 450,000.00, which would be payable at a rate of $ 50,000.00 per year for eight years. Mayor Spaeth indicated that the Village already budgets $ 20,000.00 annually for land acquisition. He stated that municipal golf courses are a revenue source and if we were to proceed with this, he would want a public referendum on it. He stated at this point, he was looking for the Board’s feeling as to whether to continue researching this prospect. Trustee Ginter stated he feels it is worth looking into further and the other members of the Board agreed.
Treasurer Nathanial Matthews and Clerk Wendy Reu gave a brief presentation regarding the classes they attended at the recent NYCOM Fall Training school which included retirement system updates and various policies that the Village needed to review and implement.
Mayor Spaeth presented a Workplace Violence Prevention Policy for the Board’s consideration. As addressed at the NYCOM School, a policy with the appropriate verbiage needs to be adopted and training needs to be performed annually. The policy presented identifies Clerk Wendy Reu and Highway Superintendent Reidell as the designated contacts. After reviewing the policy, Trustee Markiewicz made a motion to approve the Workplace Violence Prevention Policy as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ellsworth and carried by voice vote as follows:
Mayor Spaeth indicated that a Training Officer would need to be assigned and he volunteered to conduct the trainings for Workplace Violence. Trustee Ellsworth made a motion to name Mayor Spaeth as Training Officer for Workplace Violence. The motion was seconded by Trustee Markiewicz and carried by voice vote as follows:
Mayor Spaeth requested that Trustee Markiewicz, Highway Superintendent Reidell, and Clerk Reu be named to comprise the investigative committee for Workplace Violence. Trustee Ginter made a motion to approve the investigative committee as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ellsworth and carried by voice vote as follows:
Aye: Mayor Spaeth, Trustee Ginter, Trustee Ellsworth
Nay: 0
Abstain: Trustee Markiewicz
There being no further business before the Board, motion was made to adjourn by Trustee Markiewicz, seconded by Trustee Ginter and passed by voice vote with no one dissenting.
Village Board Meeting Notes – October 27, 2015
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
The Village Board met Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 7:00 PM at the village offices.
Present: John Spaeth, Mayor
Debra Ellsworth, Trustee
Matthew Ginter, Trustee
John Markiewicz, Trustee
Excused: Patrick Barnett, Trustee
Wendy Reu, Village Clerk, Recording Secretary
Mayor Spaeth called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Motion to approve the minutes of the September 25, 2015 Regular Meeting was made by Trustee Markiewicz, seconded by Trustee Ellsworth, and passed by voice vote as follows:
PUBLIC COMMENTS – John Rogers approached the Board requesting that the tree on Village property on Third Street, next to his property, be taken down. He stated that the tree is pushing the fence over and he is concerned that due to the height of the tree, it presents a hazard to his house if it were to come down due to storms. It was noted that the fence on the property line is property of the Village. Highway Superintendent Reidell noted that there is nothing wrong with the tree healthwise. Mayor Spaeth indicated that the Board members would take a look at the tree and discuss it at next month’s meeting. He informed Mr. Rogers that the Board would assess the situation and let him know their determination.
Peter Borrelli, a member of the Tree Commission, presented an overview of the group’s progress pertaining to developing a Tree Ordinance for the Board’s consideration. He indicated the group is reviewing sample ordinances from various municipalities and determining the best way to proceed for the Village of Northville. He stated there are several legal and financial issues that need to be considered when adopting an ordinance. Mayor Spaeth reminded the Board how the need for an ordinance came about, indicating that there were several trees in the terrace areas that needed to be trimmed due to hazards that they presented. He stated he spoke with the Village Attorney and was informed that regardless of ownership of the property, the Village owns the ROW and therefore the plantings in that ROW. Mayor Spaeth stated that the Village Attorney strongly encouraged an ordinance that addresses the trees in the ROW, diseased trees, who is responsible for them, who pays for the trees, the process for removal, etc. He indicated that everything needed to be clearly explained in the ordinance. Mr. Borrelli stated he hoped that the group would have a draft ready for the Board’s review by Thanksgiving.
Police – Mayor Spaeth reported that the Police department would be relocating to the office of the District Attorney in the Court Building. This move was approved at the recent Town Board meeting. It was also reported that the police car would be stored at the garage behind the fire department for the time being.
Streets – Trustee Ginter reported that the two small out buildings at Third Street have been torn down. He indicated that the cold storage facility at High Rock Road is completed. Trustee Ginter reported that Highway Superintendent Reidell had all 75 catch basins in the Village cleaned by the City of Johnstown at no cost to the municipality. Highway Superintendent Reidell indicated that he would like to have a cutoff date of November 5th for picking up cut brush. The Board felt that was a reasonable request and a notice would be issued.
Water – It was reported that usage increased from 2,345,000 gallons in September 2014 to 2,746,000 this year. Water testing and operations were normal.
Trustee Ginter questioned why the Village used JH Consulting for water testing as samples are now being taken to Loudonville. He asked if there was a closer facility to use due to the transportation costs. It was noted that in the past, samples were sent via overnight delivery. Mayor Spaeth stated he would look into transporting of the samples.
Mayor Spaeth reported that the repair of the leaking valve at Washington Street was tentatively scheduled for next week, as was the well rehab project.
Trustee Ellsworth asked if there was any indication from Darryl Roosa as to whether he was going to continue with the Water Department after this year. Mayor Spaeth reported that Darryl had indicated that he would be done June 1, 2016. Mayor Spaeth stated that Dan is currently training and the Village is working with the Town to arrange to back each other’s Water Department up.
Fire – Fire Department Report for September 2015
Edinburg Stand By 1
Wires Down 1
Brush Fire 1
Detector Activation 1
Vehicle Gas Leak 1
Hope Stand By 1
Total Man-hours reported were 110
Mayor Spaeth reported that Stephen West submitted a letter of resignation from Second Assistant Chief and Training Officer for the NFD. Mayor Spaeth stated for now the position of Second Assistant Chief would remain open but the department was looking to fill the Training Officer position as soon as possible.
Mayor Spaeth presented the 2016 Fire Contracts for the Towns of Northampton, Benson, and Hope. It was indicated that there were no rate changes from the previous year. Trustee Markiewicz made a motion to approve the 2016 Fire Contracts for the Towns of Northampton, Benson, and Hope as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ginter and carried by voice vote as follows:
Code Enforcement- Mayor Spaeth presented the Code Enforcement Officer’s report which indicated that four permits were issued in October.
Comprehensive Plan- Trustee Markiewicz reported that the group mailed 30 business owners in the Village invitations to the recent meeting and two owners attended. He indicated the group discussed the possibility of adding sewer services in the Village and the two business owners that attended didn’t feel that was a good idea.
Bills to be paid from the General Fund in the amount of $ 33,308.19, and from the Water Fund in the amount of $ 11,598.45 were presented for payment. Motion to approve payment was made by Trustee Ellsworth, seconded by Trustee Markiewicz, discussed, and carried by voice vote as follows:
Mayor Spaeth reported that Fulmont would be moving into the Beacon Insurance Building in November. He indicated that Fulmont has requested assistance from the highway crew in helping them relocate from the Third Street building to their new space.
Mayor Spaeth reported to the Board that NCS recently had a meeting with the municipalities that utilize the joint fuel facility to discuss a deficit in the fuel account. He indicated the school discovered a glitch pertaining to new key cards not being properly accounted for in the system. As a result of the issue, the Village owes $ 841.91. After continued discussion, Trustee Markiewicz made a motion to pay $ 841.91 to NCS. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ginter and carried by voice vote as follows:
Mayor Spaeth reported that a petition with 43 signatures in favor of removing the stop sign that was installed at the intersection of Division Street and Third Street was received from Dennis Poulin. Trustee Ginter stated he doesn’t see any additional information that would make him question the placement of the signs. After continued discussion, the Board agreed that there was no significant evidence to remove the stop sign at this time. Mayor Spaeth indicated he would be in contact with Mr. Poulin regarding the decision.
Trustee Ginter asked if any progress had been made with obtaining the keys for the sign on the Village green for the purpose of updating and maintenance, and it was indicated that there had been no response. Mayor Spaeth stated he would write a letter to the individual.
Mayor Spaeth gave a presentation regarding Cycle Adirondacks. He indicated that at a recent conference, he became acquainted with an individual who was setting up the 2016 event and he encouraged him to consider Northville as a stop on their tour. After reviewing the information, Cycle Adirondacks would like to make Northville one of their stops. Mayor Spaeth reported that each night of their stop, the group sponsors a concert series along with a beer and wine tent. They were looking to host the concert and beer and wine tent in the Waterfront Park. Mayor Spaeth indicated that the park use rules were in the process of being reviewed and events of this nature could be discussed. Trustee Markiewicz asked if they would be selling to the general public and the answer was yes. Mayor Spaeth indicated he has spoken with Tom Wood of the Timeless Tavern and the Cycle Adirondack group is amicable to working with Tom if he was interested in operating the beer and wine tent similar to the recent Octoberfest. Mayor Spaeth also reported that the group is proposing setting up camp on the school grounds and that meals would be brought in for the participants. He continued by stating that he felt this was a good opportunity for the community as the event will draw a lot of people to our area, to which the Board agreed.
Mayor Spaeth presented web site design proposals from Emery Designs for the Board’s consideration. After discussion on the different options, Trustee Ginter made a motion to approve the WordPress Content Management System at a cost of $ 2,950.00. The motion was seconded by Trustee Markiewicz and carried by voice vote as follows:
Mayor Spaeth presented a letter from Office for Aging requesting a $ 600.00 donation for the 2016 Senior Nutrition Program. Trustee Ginter made a motion to approve $ 600.00 for the Senior Nutrition Program. The motion was seconded by Trustee Markiewicz and carried by voice vote as follows:
Mayor Spaeth reported to the Board that he had received a letter from Dick Osborne offering the sale of the golf course to the Village and Town at a cost of $ 450,000.00, which would be payable at a rate of $ 50,000.00 per year for eight years. Mayor Spaeth indicated that the Village already budgets $ 20,000.00 annually for land acquisition. He stated that municipal golf courses are a revenue source and if we were to proceed with this, he would want a public referendum on it. He stated at this point, he was looking for the Board’s feeling as to whether to continue researching this prospect. Trustee Ginter stated he feels it is worth looking into further and the other members of the Board agreed.
Treasurer Nathanial Matthews and Clerk Wendy Reu gave a brief presentation regarding the classes they attended at the recent NYCOM Fall Training school which included retirement system updates and various policies that the Village needed to review and implement.
Mayor Spaeth presented a Workplace Violence Prevention Policy for the Board’s consideration. As addressed at the NYCOM School, a policy with the appropriate verbiage needs to be adopted and training needs to be performed annually. The policy presented identifies Clerk Wendy Reu and Highway Superintendent Reidell as the designated contacts. After reviewing the policy, Trustee Markiewicz made a motion to approve the Workplace Violence Prevention Policy as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ellsworth and carried by voice vote as follows:
Mayor Spaeth indicated that a Training Officer would need to be assigned and he volunteered to conduct the trainings for Workplace Violence. Trustee Ellsworth made a motion to name Mayor Spaeth as Training Officer for Workplace Violence. The motion was seconded by Trustee Markiewicz and carried by voice vote as follows:
Mayor Spaeth requested that Trustee Markiewicz, Highway Superintendent Reidell, and Clerk Reu be named to comprise the investigative committee for Workplace Violence. Trustee Ginter made a motion to approve the investigative committee as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ellsworth and carried by voice vote as follows:
There being no further business before the Board, motion was made to adjourn by Trustee Markiewicz, seconded by Trustee Ginter and passed by voice vote with no one dissenting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m
Respectfully submitted,
Wendy Reu, Clerk
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