June 21, 2016 Minutes
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
The Village Board met Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 7:00 PM at the village offices.
Present: John Spaeth, Mayor
Debra Ellsworth, Trustee
Matthew Ginter, Trustee
John Markiewicz, Trustee
Sue Sedon, Trustee
Wendy Reu, Village Clerk, Recording Secretary
Treasurer Matthews
Mayor Spaeth called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Motion to approve the minutes of the May 24, 2016 Regular Meeting was made by Trustee Markiewicz, seconded by Trustee Ellsworth, and passed by voice vote as follows:
Aye: Trustee Ellsworth, Trustee Ginter, Trustee Markiewicz
Nay: 0
Abstain: Trustee Sedon
PUBLIC COMMENTS – Resident Janet Rudd commended the Village Highway crew for the excellent job they do around the Village.
Police –Mayor Spaeth cited the statistics in the police report for May, which is on file. There were ten complaints handled, five of which were criminal. A total of 163 man-hours were expended.
Streets – Trustee Ginter reported that the Highway Superintendent Reidell was establishing Wednesday as the day for brush pick up in the Village. Trustee Ginter stated the summer help had started and the crew was working on various projects around the Village.
Mayor Spaeth reported that the two way radios the crew uses are not functioning and they had to borrow the school’s radios. He stated he would ask Highway Superintendent Reidell to find radios that fit their needs and new ones would be ordered.
Water – It was reported that usage decreased from 3,199,000 gallons in May 2015 to 2,845,000 this year. Water testing and operations were normal.
It was noted that a leak was repaired on South Main Street this week.
Fire – Fire Department Report for May 2016
Village of Northville (1) | Smoke reported 1 |
Town of Northampton (6) | Trees/road 5
Unauthorized Burning 1 |
Town of Benson (1) | Smoke Detector 1 |
Town of Hope (1) | Exhaust malfunction 1 |
Town of Edinburg (1) | Brush fire 1
Utility line down 1 Stand by 2 |
Mutual Aid Given (4)
Mutual Aid Received (5) |
Total Man-hours reported were 127.66
It was noted that Fireman Ronald Holcomb resigned from the department on February 1, 2016.
Trustee Markiewicz reported that he had met with the Fireman regarding the need for physicals and their reluctance to get physicals completed. He stated the fireman didn’t want money coming out of the Fire Department budget for physicals. Mayor Spaeth stated that per OSHA guidelines, physicals were required for fire fighters that are expected to do interior structural firefighting and he felt the need for them to get physicals done. Trustee Ginter stated that DOT guidelines had changed over the years and possibly requirements for firefighters did also. After continued discussion, the Clerk was instructed to contact NYCOM to determine what is required for physicals and whether physicals conducted by the fireman’s family physician are acceptable.
Code Enforcement – Mayor Spaeth reported three building permits were issued during June according to the Code Enforcement report on file. Mayor Spaeth noted that research was done on a permit application for site plan review and it was determined that review was not necessary and the fee was returned.
Joint Youth – Mayor Spaeth reported that training was done for the summer workers. He also stated that the workplace violence was completed. Mayor Spaeth indicated that there is an adequate number of lifeguards for beach staffing and that a WSI will be completing the swim test for the first day of camp.
Mayor Spaeth reported that a request was received for an NCS student that resides in the Town of Mayfield to attend the summer program. It was indicated that the JY Director spoke with the Mayfield Town Board about participating in the program and unofficially it was denied. Mayor Spaeth stated that as NCS contributes $ 3,000.00 toward the program. He suggested that the funds that NCS contributes could be allocated toward NCS students that reside in a non-participating municipality. Trustee Ginter asked what would stop other towns from wanting to do the same thing with the children in their municipalities. He stated that less revenue would be coming in and yet we are trying to build the program up. Treasurer Matthews stated that in previous years, donations from local businesses were requested and that could be revisited. Mayor Spaeth stated that these items would be addressed by the JY Commission at their next meeting.
Comprehensive Plan – Trustee Markiewicz gave a report an updated report on the Comprehensive Plan Committee meetings. He stated the group continues to review the Economic Development, Transportation, and Streets sections of the plan.
Park Use Requests – Mayor Spaeth reported there were three use requests for review.
Request #2 of 2016: Love City Church- “Picnic in the Park” (A friends and family community wide picnic & live worship experience) – August 28, 2016. Mayor Spaeth indicated this request was previously denied on May 24, 2016. After the denial, Pastor Frederic requested an opportunity to meet and discuss it. Mayor Spaeth indicated that they met on June 21st, with Trustee Ginter and Attorney Greco also present. He indicated they had a good meeting. After the meeting, Attorney Greco went to do further research. Attorney Greco sent a correspondence stating that most of his original opinion was accurate but it was only true if the Village is seen as co-sponsoring the activity. Attorney Greco indicated that allowing Love City to use the park for their planned event does not constitute co-sponsorship by the Village. Satisfied with the Attorney’s opinion, Trustee Ginter made a motion to approve Request # 2 of 2016: Love City Church “Picnic in the Park” on August 28, 2016. The motion was seconded by Trustee Sedon and carried by voice vote as follows:
Aye: Trustee Ellsworth, Trustee Ginter, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
Regarding request # 2 of 2016, Trustee Ginter made a motion to waive the security deposit for the event. The motion was seconded by Trustee Markiewicz and carried by voice vote as follows:
Aye: Trustee Ellsworth, Trustee Ginter, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
Request #3 of 2016: Tryon Radio Club- June 25-26, 2016. It was noted that this event was previously approved, however, a formal application and certificate of insurance was provided for review. It was noted that the security deposit was waived for this event.
Request #4 of 2016: Cycle Adirondacks – August 26, 2016. It was noted the group would like to use the park from 2-9 p.m. Details of the event were provided. As detailed application with the necessary permits and insurance documentation would be obtained. Trustee Ginter made a motion to approve Request #4 of 2016: Cycle Adirondacks, pending completed application and insurance certificates. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ellsworth and carried by voice vote as follows:
Aye: Trustee Ellsworth, Trustee Ginter, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
Bills to be paid from the General Fund in the amount of $50,083.44, from the Water Fund in the amount of $5,331.03, from the Joint Youth Fund in the amount of $ 175.00, and from the Capital Reserve-Water System Improvements in the amount of $ 20,000.00 were presented for payment. Motion to approve payment was made by Trustee Markiewicz, seconded by Trustee Ellsworth, discussed, and carried by voice vote as follows:
Aye: Trustee Ellsworth, Trustee Ginter, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
Mayor Spaeth presented three Intermunicipal Agreements for the Board to review and approve. He indicated that these agreements were a formality as the cooperative arrangements they detailed had already been implemented.
Trustee Ginter made a motion to approve the Cold Storage Facility intermunicipal agreement as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Markiewicz and carried by voice vote as follows:
Aye: Trustee Ellsworth, Trustee Ginter, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
Trustee Markiewicz made a motion to approve the Building Cleaner intermunicipal agreement as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Sedon and carried by voice vote as follows:
Aye: Trustee Ellsworth, Trustee Ginter, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
Trustee Sedon made a motion to approve the Equipment/Personnel Sharing intermunicipal agreement as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ginter and carried by voice vote as follows:
Aye: Trustee Ellsworth, Trustee Ginter, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
Mayor Spaeth reported that the Merchant’s Association would be meeting in the upcoming week to discuss the CFA Main Street Grant opportunity that is currently available.
Mayor Spaeth discussed Temporary signs with the Board. He indicated the current code does not define a specific length of time signs could be up. The Board agreed they would like to see a defined timeframe established. Mayor Spaeth stated that the Town of Northampton code states that temporary signs could be placed 60 days prior to an event and removed within 10 days after. He stated he would have some suggestions for an amendment to the Village’s sign ordinance for the Board to review at their next meeting.
Mayor Spaeth presented a request from the Civic Association to conduct the Doin’s in the Waterfront Park July 1st through July 2nd, with the parade at 1:00 p.m. Saturday, July 2nd. The request also included a Firecracker Fun run that would be organized by Christian Klueg. The request detailed the fun run to be kicking off just before the parade at 12:45 p.m. and running one mile along the parade route, finishing back at the Waterfront Park. Mayor Spaeth stated he had discussed the run with Christian Klueg and he was assured that the run would not be a political event. After discussion, Trustee Ellsworth made a motion to approve the Civic Association request as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Markiewicz and carried by voice vote as follows:
Aye: Trustee Ellsworth, Trustee Ginter, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
Mayor Spaeth reported that last year, several ez ups were put up along the parade route, in the streets and on the sidewalks, that not only created a hazard for vehicle and pedestrian traffic but obscured the view of the parade for many people. The Board agreed that a notice would be put out that ez ups were not allowed on public sidewalks and streets.
Mayor Spaeth presented a request from the Civic Association for a donation toward the Doins’ festival. Treasurer Matthews noted that $ 1,500.00 was already budgeted for this request.
The Fulton County 2017 Planning Services Agreement was presented for the Board’s consideration. Trustee Ellsworth made a motion to approve the 2017 Planning Services Agreement in the amount of $ 400.00. The motion was seconded by Trustee Markiewicz and carried by voice vote as follows:
Aye: Trustee Ellsworth, Trustee Ginter, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
The Fireman’s Association submitted a request to conduct their annual coin drop on July 2, 2016. Trustee Ginter made a motion to approve the Fireman’s Coin Drop on July 2nd. The motion was seconded by Trustee Markiewicz and carried by voice vote as follows:
Aye: Trustee Ellsworth, Trustee Ginter, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
Mayor Spaeth presented a request from the Fireman’s Association to waive the 2016 Village taxes on the vacant lot they purchased in 2015. He explained that while the Association is now wholly tax exempt, they were not at the time the roll for the 2016 taxes was established. Treasurer Matthews reached out to several sources, including NYCOM, the State Comptroller’s Office, and the NYS Tax and Finance Department and was informed that the Village is bound by law to tax according to the tax law. The Town is the assessing entity for the Village of Northville and as such, the Village cannot waive taxes. It was noted that the 2016 Town and County taxes for this parcel were paid in full. After discussion, Trustee Ellsworth made a motion to deny the request of the Fireman’s Association to waive their 2016 Village taxes based on the opinions received from NYCOM, the State Comptroller’s Office, and the NYS Tax and Finance Department. The motion was seconded by Trustee Sedon and carried by voice vote as follows:
Aye: Mayor Spaeth, Trustee Ellsworth, Trustee Sedon
Nay: 0
Abstain: Trustee Ginter, Trustee Markiewicz
Mayor Spaeth presented a request for the Farmers’ Market to be held at the Red Barn property on Friday, July 1st as the Doins’ will be in the Waterfront Park. Trustee Ellsworth made a motion to approve the Market being held at the Red Barn on July 1st. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ginter and carried by voice vote as follows:
Aye: Trustee Ellsworth, Trustee Ginter, Trustee Markiewicz
Nay: 0
Abstain: Trustee Sedon
There being no further business before the Board, motion was made to adjourn by Trustee Markiewicz, seconded by Trustee Ginter, and passed by voice vote with no one dissenting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. The next meeting will be July 19, 2016.
Respectfully submitted,
Wendy Reu
Village Clerk