Tuesday August 17, 2021
The Village Board met Tuesday, August 17, 2021 at 7:00 PM
Present: John Spaeth, Mayor
Sue Eckert, Trustee
Steve Collins, Trustee
John Markiewicz, Trustee
Absent: Sue Sedon, Trustee
Wendy Reu, Village Clerk
Nathan Matthews, Treasurer
Dan Reidell, Highway Superintendent
Public Attendance: Mike Warner
Mayor Spaeth called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Motion to approve the minutes of the July 20, 2021 Regular Meeting was made by Trustee Markiewicz, seconded by Trustee Eckert, and passed by voice vote as follows:
Aye: Trustee Collins, Trustee Eckert, Trustee Markiewicz
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
PUBLIC COMMENTS – Mike Warner voiced concern about residents not adhering to the rules of when they can put out brush for pickup. He stated the crew was no sooner picking it up and the next day, the people are putting out more stuff. He also stated that the Village seems to be clipping back hedges on personal property along the sidewalk areas, citing the corner of Second/ Bridge and Center /Main. He felt people should take responsibility for their own property. DPW Superintendent Reidell stated that the locations he was referencing were corners and the hedges were cut back because street view was obstructed.
Police – No report.
Streets – The DPW report was read and is on file at the Clerk’s office. DPW Superintendent Reidell reported that Matt Ginter indicated the price for the wooden doors at the bandshell would be $ 3000.00, which included labor and materials. It was reported he would build it in the bandshell and DPW Superintendent Reidell stated the concrete work would start at the same time. Trustee Eckert asked if we were installing better cameras. Mayor Spaeth stated we were already researching a camera system that would work. Treasurer Matthews stated he didn’t want to get a whole kit and was searching for one or two cameras for now that could focus on the bandshell.
DPW Superintendent Reidell gave an update on commercial garbage. He stated that Hope’s truck is still having issue but they should have it back in service by the end of the month. Trustee Eckert asked how dependable the truck is. DPW Superintendent Reidell stated he does not have concerns about sharing their vehicle. He stated Hope would use the same system that it does now, so whether they have to buy a newer vehicle, we will have access to a vehicle that can work with the roll offs. Mayor Spaeth stated we are also looking into sharing maintenance on the Hope truck and potential to assist with purchasing a newer vehicle together when the time comes.
Water – It was reported that usage decreased from 3,676,000 gallons in July 2020 to 3,303,000 this year. Water testing and operations were normal.
Trustee Sedon reported there are 8 customers left that have yet to change over to radio read meters.
Code Enforcement- Mayor Spaeth reported that Dan is currently taking training classes and working toward his Code certification.
Dog Control – No report.
Joint Youth – No report.
Marketing – Mayor Spaeth reported that he had an email exchange with Ken and let him know that the ball is in his court. Mayor Spaeth stated he expects to get an update on a plan of action by the end of the week.
LWRP- Mayor Spaeth reported that Sue Caruvana will be getting the closeout checklist to us so we can proceed in sending it down to the DOS for review. He stated the goal is to submit to the State for approval by the end of September.
Mayor Spaeth presented Resolution #9 of 2021 as follows:
Village of Northville Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) 2021 Hunter Creek Dam Pedestrian Way
WHEREAS, New York State has announced the availability of funding through the 2021 Consolidated Funding Application (CFA); and
WHEREAS, the Village of Northville, Fulton County is seeking up to $ 131,250.00 in financial assistance from the NYS Department of State under Title 9 of the Environmental Protection Act of 1993 to design, permit and develop construction documents for the Hunter Creek Dam Pedestrian Way. This project, which was identified as a high priority by the community in the Northville Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP), will enhance the spillway area and create a much-desired walkway to alleviate a hazardous pedestrian crossing.
WHEREAS, the Village of Northville recognizes that the state will commit 75% of the total project cost and the Village will provide a $ 43,750.00 match from the General fund;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor of the Village of Northville is authorized and directed to submit an application in the 2021 Consolidated Funding Application round in an amount not to exceed $ 131,250.00; and be it further
RESOLVED, that in the event of funding, the Mayor of the Village of Northville is authorized to execute, as necessary, a state contract for financial assistance, and to execute all additional assurances and forms as required by the state.
Trustee Eckert made a motion to approve Resolution # 9 of 2021 as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Collins and carried by voice vote as follows:
Mayor John Spaeth – Aye
Trustee Steve Collins – Aye
Trustee Sue Eckert – Aye
Trustee John Markiewicz – Aye
Trustee Sue Sedon – Absent
Mayor Spaeth presented Resolution #10 of 2021 as follows:
Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) 2021 Dredging Feasibility Study to Restore the Environmental Quality of Northville Lake
WHEREAS, New York State has announced the availability of funding through the 2021 Consolidated Funding Application (CFA); and
WHEREAS, the Village of Northville, Fulton County is seeking up to $ 82,500.00 in financial assistance from the NYS Department of State under Title 9 of the Environmental Protection Act of 1993 to conduct a Dredging Feasibility Study to Restore the Environmental Quality of Northville Lake;
WHEREAS, this project, which was identified as a high priority by the community in the Northville Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP), will assess the extent of siltation in Northville Lake and identify steps to restore environmental quality to improve quality of life for residents and enhance recreation tourism opportunities;
WHEREAS, the Village of Northville recognizes that the state will commit 75% of the total project cost and the Village will provide a $ 27,500.00 match from the General fund;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor of the Village of Northville is authorized and directed to submit an application in the 2021 Consolidated Funding Application round in an amount not to exceed $ 82,500.00; and be it further
RESOLVED, that in the event of funding, the Mayor of the Village of Northville is authorized to execute, as necessary, a state contract for financial assistance, and to execute all additional assurances and forms as required by the state.
Trustee Collins made a motion to approve Resolution # 10 of 2021 as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Eckert and carried by voice vote as follows:
Mayor John Spaeth – Aye
Trustee Steve Collins – Aye
Trustee Sue Eckert – Aye
Trustee John Markiewicz – Aye
Trustee Sue Sedon – Absent
Park Use Requests – None
The monthly financial report was reviewed and bills to be paid from the General Fund in the amount of $ 45,800.36, from the Water Fund in the amount of $ 5,728.28, and from the Joint Youth Fund in the amount of $ 67.67 were presented for payment. Motion to approve payment was made by Trustee Markiewicz, seconded by Trustee Eckert and carried by voice vote as follows:
Aye: Trustee Collins, Trustee Eckert, Trustee Markiewicz,
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
DPW Superintendent Reidell reported that a quote for the traffic study had been received from Creighton Manning, in the amount of $ 3,900.00. Mayor Spaeth stated that the request for the traffic study was generated by numerous complaints from individuals regarding the Bridge and Main Street intersection. He stated they can perform it immediately once the quote is signed. Mayor Spaeth stated that it would be good to have the study during the summer season as there is a greater influx of traffic. As it is time sensitive to get the study done during the summer, we can waive the requirement for getting three quotes. Once the study is done, Mayor Spaeth stated the report will include all the data they gathered along with any recommendations, if any, for the area. Trustee Eckert asked if we are prepared to do a reconfiguration if they deem it necessary. Mayor Spaeth stated we can review the data and recommendations and address them at that time. Trustee Eckert stated we really needed to proceed with the traffic study and made a motion to authorize the study in the amount of $ 3,900.00. The motion was seconded by Trustee Collins and carried by voice vote as follows:
Aye: Trustee Collins, Trustee Eckert, Trustee Markiewicz
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
DPW Superintendent Reidell presented a quote from TAPCO for one complete set of lighted cross walk signs in the amount of $ 6,100.00 for the Main/Bridge intersection. He stated the signs are two sided and that one has to be on each side of the street that the crosswalk connects. He stated that we can’t put them in conjunction with existing stop signs. Mayor Spaeth felt that this was good information for the Board and suggested waiting to see what information the traffic study brings. Trustee Collins stated he felt that limiting parking along parts of Main Street would help with visibility of pedestrians and crosswalks. DPW Superintendent Reidell stated that legally, all crosswalks are supposed to be signed. He stated the cost of non-lighted signs is $ 450.00 per sign and there are 10 crosswalks on Bridge and Main combined.
Mayor Spaeth reported that as per discussion at the July meeting, a letter was sent to Fulmont, informing them that we would be terminating our agreement for rent assistance with them after September 30, 2021.
Mayor Spaeth gave an update on the PILOT agreement with Fulton County Community Heritage Corporation. He stated it would be $ 2,500.00 a year and, as agreed at the previous meeting, it would be shared with the Town and NCS. Based on the tax rate formulation, the Town would receive $ 125.00, NCS would receive $ 1,675.00, and the Village would receive $ 700.00.
Mayor Spaeth gave a COVID update to the Board. He stated that the Federal and State governments are both coming through with vaccine mandates for employees or weekly testing. Mayor Spaeth stated he had a discussion with Supervisor Groff and he does not plan on mandating anything for Town workers. Mayor Spaeth stated that Town and Village workers share vehicles. Trustee Eckert stated she personally doesn’t feel we can mandate a vaccine as it is a personal choice. Mayor Spaeth stated we do have protocol at the Village level that allows for employees to not charge their accrued time for issues related to COVID. He stated that if individuals did not want to get the vaccine, he would recommend that they use their personal accrued time to get testing if it is required. After discussion, Trustee Markiewicz made a motion to keep the protocol in place for vaccinated workers but require non vaccinated workers to use personal time when needing testing or while waiting for test results. The motion was seconded by Trustee Eckert and carried by voice vote as follows:
Aye: Trustee Collins, Trustee Eckert, Trustee Markiewicz
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
Mayor Spaeth gave an LED lighting update. He stated that we are just waiting for the closing date to buy out the lights. He anticipated that would be happening by mid-September.
Mayor Spaeth gave an update on the NYS Marijuana legislation. He stated that earlier in the year, we chose to not opt out. He stated that municipalities have not gotten any direction from the State in terms of how they are going to regulate it. Mayor Spaeth we can have to regulated it on the local level with our Zoning. He stated that amendments to zoning takes three months, from start to finish, so we need to start addressing it now. He stated we can make it more restrictive than the State does but we cannot make our laws less restrictive. He asked the Board for their input on how restrictive, or not, we should be with it. Trustee Eckert asked if we would do something comparable to Adult Stores. Mayor Spaeth stated we could mirror the same restrictions but that would limit it to one spot where a dispensary could be. Trustee Eckert stated that no municipality around us is opting in, so we need to be prepared with our zoning. Mayor Spaeth stated there are several factors to be taken into account, such as distance from school and churches, etc. He stated if we decide to still proceed, the next step would be to assign the task to the Planning Board for their review and then schedule eventual Public Hearing at the time of the Zoning amendment which would be a minimum of three months out. After discussion, the Board agreed to continue with zoning changes. Mayor Spaeth stated he would contact Planning Board Chair Darryl Roosa and give them some guidance the Trustees has previously discussed, such as keeping it in the commercial district, no drive thru, and using parking regulations when considering suitable areas for a dispensary.
Treasurer Matthews gave an update to the Board regarding a credit card billing system that he and the Clerk recently reviewed. He stated that it was a stand-alone program that was very user friendly and would allow water and tax customers the ability to pay bills online but both he and the Clerk agreed that the price of the program, with continued maintenance, was not cost effective for the municipality. He stated they would continue to research for other programs.
Mayor Spaeth reported that the Ring of Fire 5K was being conducted the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. He indicated that they had requested two police officers during the running of the race and that officers were scheduled.
Mayor Spaeth reported that he and Treasurer Matthews had a meeting with Bill VanGorder from Mang Insurance regarding the Village’s annual renewal, along with some other issues. He stated that we were obtaining liability coverage for the dam for Downstream Liability. He stated while it is considered by DEC to be a low risk dam, and the possibility for downstream damage is minimal, if someone is fishing from a boat and the dam breaks, it is doubtful that would be survivable. Mayor Spaeth stated that it was recommended that the Village increase our liability coverage limits. He stated that the premium increase for every $1 million is $ 1,200. He stated it was recommended that the Village be a $5 million/$ 10 million. He stated we did not budget for this increase and Mang suggested increases over a three year period, one increment at a time.
Mayor Spaeth stated over the last several months, there has been continual discussion about policing and enforcement in the Village. He stated he and Supervisor Groff have had discussions about expanding police coverage to the Town. He stated it would be a long process to disband our current force and create a Town department, but the Town can contract with the Village for coverage. It was also suggested purchasing a second vehicle, the cost of which would be shared between the municipalities. Mayor Spaeth stated the we currently do not have enough officers to increase patrols to cover the issues we currently have such as parking infractions, nuisance vehicles, etc. He stated that expanding coverage would mean expanding the force which would provide more hours in the Village as well. Mayor Spaeth stated the plan would be to bring in someone as a local Officer in Charge (OIC) that would report to us. He stated that we could continue with the status quo but there are issues we need to address in our own department. Trustee Eckert stated we needed to hold the officers accountable to be productive during their shifts. Trustee Collins stated that there is no communication between the officers and they don’t relay information at end of shift. He stated that having an OIC would be beneficial. Mayor Spaeth stated that if we think it is worthwhile to expand into the Town, we need to develop a joint commission by mid October. He stated that we currently plan on a 5 year replacement program for the police cars and there is three years existing on the current vehicle. Mayor Spaeth stated that we would look to buy a vehicle every three years, therefore having two vehicles for the expanded force. Mayor Spaeth stated he would like the current Police Commissioners, Trustee Collins and Trustee Eckert to work with the Town appointed representatives and make recommendations on how to make the expanded department effective. Trustee Collins stated that accountability, productivity, visibility, and trip logs would be a great place to start. Mayor Spaeth agreed and stated that they have to make their hours more effective. Trustee Collins stated currently, officers work when they want to work, not when we need them to work and we need to shift them to when they are needed. Trustee Markiewicz stated he did not think a second patrol car is needed. Mayor Spaeth stated that we have to be prepared to cover Fish House if there is a joint police force. He stated we would need a second car in that instance and in the instance if there were overlapping shifts, but he would go by the recommendations of the committee developing the idea. Trustee Collins stated that attracting more officers may be difficult at the current level of pay. He stated research would have to be done to determine rates in similar areas to be competitive. Mayor Spaeth stated that since the Board is in favor of exploring a joint police force, he requested that Trustee Collins coordinate with the Town to schedule a meeting.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: There was no further comment from the Public.
There being no further business before the Board, motion was made to adjourn by Trustee Markiewicz, seconded by Trustee Eckert and passed by voice vote with no one dissenting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Wendy L. Reu, Clerk