March 21, 2023 Budget Workshop Minutes
Monday, March 21, 2023
The Village Board met Monday, March 21, 2023 at 6:30 PM.
Present: Sue Eckert, Mayor
John Markiewicz , Trustee
Janet Rudd, Trustee
Sue Sedon, Trustee
Kathleen Terwilliger, Trustee
Wendy Reu, Recording Secretary
Nathanial Matthews, Treasurer
Dan Reidell, Highway Superintendent
Public Attendance:
Mayor Eckert called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
Mayor Eckert and Treasurer Matthews presented the tentative budget for the Board’s review.
Treasurer Matthews presented the Salary schedule for full time employees. He reported that the proposed salary for the Mayor would be $ 8,000.00, an increase of $ 500.00; and the Trustees would be $ 3,000.00, an increase of $ 500.00.
Treasurer Matthews informed the Board that this tentative budget overrides the tax cap. He explained that the number one cause of the necessity to override the tax cap was the creation of a full time Police Department. He stated that the normal budget for the PD was $65-70k and changing to a full-time person with additional patrols necessitated a budget of $ 200k. He stated that the Town was paying for half of the full time department costs. Mayor Eckert stated she hoped that NCS might reconsider and contribute to the PD costs once we get the department operational.
Treasurer Matthews explained to the Board that the NYS tax cap is 3%. He stated that the tentative budget before the Board was a recommended 7.34% increase that would be an increase of approximately $5.00 per month on a $ 100,000.00 assessment.
Treasurer Matthews went through the entire tentative budget, line by line, explaining areas of significant change and answering questions from the Board. He stated the reserves are healthy.
After discussion, the Board directed Treasurer Matthews to establish the tentative tax rate as $ 9.22 / $ 1,000.00 which was an increase of 7.34 %, overriding the tax cap. Treasurer Matthews indicated he has prepared a Local Law to override the tax cap that will be acted upon during the Regular monthly meeting.
There being no further business before the Board, motion was made to adjourn by Trustee Sedon, seconded by Trustee Rudd and passed by voice vote with no one dissenting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Wendy Reu
Village Clerk