April 12, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
The Village Board met Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 6:48 PM.
Present: Sue Eckert, Mayor
John Markiewicz, Trustee
Janet Rudd, Trustee
Sue Sedon, Trustee
Kathleen Terwilliger, Trustee
Wendy Reu, Clerk, Recording Secretary
Nathan Matthews, Treasurer
Dan Reidell, DPW Superintendent
Public Attendance – Norman Richardson, Dan Singer, John Spaeth
Mayor Eckert called the meeting to order at 6:48 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Motion to approve the minutes of the March 22, 2022 Regular Meeting was made by Trustee Markiewicz, seconded by Trustee Sedon, and passed by voice vote as follows:
AYE: Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Rudd, Trustee Sedon, Trustee Terwilliger
NAY: 0
PUBLIC ACCESS: Norman Richardson addressed the Board regarding Garage Sale Weekend. He stated he would like to see Garage Sale Weekend held in May. He stated if it is moved to the summer, all the summer people will be coming in grabbing up all the goodies.
Police – Mayor Eckert presented the revised Police policy for the Board’s consideration. She reported the document had been streamlined and some redundant items had been removed. Trustee Sedon asked about the use of the word “suggested” in the first item, and stated she felt it should say required. Trustee Rudd agreed and stated with the changes, there was no question of what they are responsible for. After discussion, Trustee Rudd made a motion to adopt the revised Police policy. The motion was seconded by Trustee Terwilliger and carried by voice vote as follows:
AYE: Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Rudd, Trustee Sedon, Trustee Terwilliger
NAY: 0
Streets – The DPW report was read and is on file at the Clerk’s office. DPW Superintendent Reidell addressed the Board regarding the plan for commercial garbage pickup. He stated there seemed to be some confusion over who would be allowed to use the dumpsters. He stated his plan was to allow all businesses to participate, not just food-based businesses. He stated it is still moving forward and he is waiting on Town of Hope to make decision on whether they will allow the Village to share the use of their truck to haul a dumpster. He said his plan was to have one dumpster located behind Allen and Palmer building and one behind the firehouse. Trustee Terwilliger asked if the Village provides trash pickup for businesses and it was explained that we currently pick up from small office type businesses that do not generate large volume of waste but that the other businesses have dumpsters that they rent. Trustee Sedon asked if all businesses were allowed to utilize the dumpster, and not just the businesses that generate food waste that causes odors in the park and attracts rodents, would there be enough space for all the businesses to utilize the dumpsters? DPW Superintendent Reidell stated he did not feel that all businesses in the Village would utilize the service. He stated there would only be the two roll off dumpsters, behind Allen and Palmer building and the firehouse. He stated he did not see Stewarts or Walgreens hauling their garbage over to those dumpsters. The Clerk indicated that all businesses would have to be offered the opportunity to utilize the roll off dumpster and sign a form stating they were declining the option if they chose not to participate. Trustee Sedon asked what the tipping fees were if we direct hauled. DPW Superintendent Reidell stated the fees are $ 60.00/ton. He stated that our packer, totally full, is 12 ton. Mayor Eckert voiced concern over opening it up to businesses other than food based businesses. She reminded the Board why we entertained this idea to start, due to the overwhelming odors coming from the restaurant dumpsters bordering the Waterfront Park and the rodents that the food waste attracted. She stated she felt that a roll off would get filled up pretty quickly if there were demolition materials, sinks, tubs, sheetrock, metal, etc. put in there. DPW Superintendent Reidell stated his plan was to dump it whenever it was full. Mayor Eckert asked how much did it cost in gas to get to Mud Road. DPW Superintendent Reidell stated approximately $40.00 to and from. Trustee Sedon stated it would be difficult to project the length of time before the dumpster would fill up. DPW Superintendent Reidell stated his goal was to dump it at least once a week but if the dumpster began to smell, it would be dumped more often. Trustee Terwilliger asked if it would be secured with a lock to restrict others from disposing of items in the dumpster and DPW Superintendent Reidell stated it would be secured and businesses utilizing it would be given a key. Mayor Eckert stated she is not opposed to trying it but is concerned about the potential quantity and necessity for multiple trips to dispose of the items. She felt if we move forward with this, that it should be on a trial period and should be revisited once we have a better idea of how much volume and cost is involved. Trustee Sedon asked where they planned on putting the dumpster behind the Firehouse. DPW Superintendent Reidell stated it would be placed by the Fireman’s barn. Trustee Sedon stated that she did not think the dumpster could go that as it had to meet setbacks and where the current dumpsters were moved is right on the line. She stated that there was NYS code regarding placement of dumpsters.
Trustee Terwilliger asked when brush and leaf pickup would be and DPW Superintendent Reidell stated the plan is to pick it up every Wednesday.
DPW Superintendent Reidell also requested the ability to hire two summer workers if he could find applicants interested. Trustee Markiewicz made a motion to allow for two summer hires for the highway department at the same rate of pay as last year. The motion was seconded by Trustee Sedon and carried by voice vote as follows:
AYE: Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Rudd, Trustee Sedon, Trustee Terwilliger
NAY: 0
Water – It was reported that usage decreased from 1,953,000 gallons in March 2021 to 1,927,000 this year. Water testing and operations were normal.
It was reported that there were still two meters left in the Village that had not yet been converted to radio read meters.
Code Enforcement- The Code Officer’s report was filed. It was reported that 4 permits were issued and 5 inspections were performed.
Dog Control – Nothing to report.
Joint Youth – The next meeting was scheduled at 6:30 on April 13 and they would be reviewing applications.
Park Use Requests – None
Marketing – Nothing new to report.
LWRP – John Spaeth gave an update on the LWRP. He stated they are still waiting for questions and comments back from the Agency. Once they are completed, he said the Committee would get together and they would them move forward for final approval.
Tree Commission – No report
Treasurer Matthews requested the following transfers:
From: A5142.404 Snow removal – Salt
To: A5142.2 Snow removal – Equipment
Reason – to cover purchase of snow blower attachment for skid steer
From: A5182.2 Street Lighting – Equipment
To: A5182.4 Street Lighting – Contractual
To: A6410.4 Publicity – Contractual
From: A6989.402 Economic Development – Contractual
Trustee Markiewicz made a motion to approve the transfers as requested by Treasurer Matthews. The motion was seconded by Trustee Sedon and carried by voice vote as follows:
AYE: Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Rudd, Trustee Sedon, Trustee Terwilliger
NAY: 0
The monthly financial report was reviewed and bills to be paid from the General Fund in the amount of $ 39550.50, from the Water Fund in the amount of $ 4991.56, and from the Joint Youth Fund in the amount of $ 270.18, were presented for payment. Motion to approve payment was made by Trustee Markiewicz, seconded by Trustee Sedon and carried by voice vote as follows:
AYE: Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Rudd, Trustee Sedon, Trustee Terwilliger
NAY: 0
Mayor Eckert reported that the Village is moving forward with listing the Third Street property for sale. She said it has come to her attention that a smaller vacant parcel in the Village is for sale and has a higher listing price than the Village parcel. After discussion, Trustee Sedon made a motion to list the Village’s Third Street parcel for $ 75,000.00 and accept offers through May 13th. The motion was seconded by Trustee Terwilliger and carried by voice vote as follows:
AYE: Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Rudd, Trustee Sedon, Trustee Terwilliger
NAY: 0
Mayor Eckert reopened the previously tabled discussion on Garage Sale Weekend. Trustee Sedon stated she thinks we should have it on both weekends. She stated that porta johns are already in the park in July so there would not be that much additional cost to the Village. Trustee Sedon made a motion to have the Annual Garage Sale Weekend the first full weekend in May and a garage sale weekend the end of July as requested previously. The motion was seconded by Trustee Markiewicz and carried by voice vote as follows:
AYE: Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Rudd, Trustee Sedon, Trustee Terwilliger
NAY: 0
The Clerk reported that auction for the surplus inventory items listed on Auctions International would be ending on April 19th.
Mayor Eckert reported to the Board that John Spaeth has volunteered to be the coordinator of the current grant projects that the Village was awarded during his time in office. He informed the Board that the Village can write of $ 15/hr. of in-kind support for the service he performs related to the grants. After discussion, Trustee Sedon made a motion to appoint John Spaeth as the Volunteer Coordinator of Village Projects pertaining to the current awarded grants. The motion was seconded by Trustee Markiewicz and carried by voice vote as follows:
AYE: Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Rudd, Trustee Sedon, Trustee Terwilliger
NAY: 0
A request was received from the Booster Club to conduct an annual coin drop, the first Saturday in June. Trustee Sedon made a motion to allow the Booster Club to conduct an annual coin drop the first Saturday in June. The motion was seconded by Trustee Markiewicz and carried by voice vote as follows:
AYE: Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Rudd, Trustee Sedon, Trustee Terwilliger
NAY: 0
Mayor Eckert asked DPW Superintendent Reidell if we had proper signage at the beach for the upcoming season. She stated that last year we had an individual that was using it as a camp area. She specifically indicated we needed signs for no camping, no fires, no overnight parking, etc. DPW Superintendent Reidell stated that JY Director Adamczyk had all of those items on signage.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: There was no further comment from the Public.
There being no further business before the Board, motion was made to adjourn by Trustee Markiewicz, seconded by Trustee Sedon and passed by voice vote with no one dissenting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Wendy L. Reu, Clerk