August 15, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes


Tuesday, August 15, 2023


The Village Board met Tuesday, August 15, 2023, at 7:00 PM.


Present:              Sue Eckert, Mayor

John Markiewicz, Trustee

                                  Janet Rudd, Trustee    

Sue Sedon, Trustee

                                  Kathleen Terwilliger, Trustee


Wendy Reu, Clerk, Recording Secretary

           Nathan Matthews, Treasurer

                                              Dan Reidell, DPW Superintendent

                                              Rick Richardson, Chief of Police


Public Attendance –Mike Warner, Hadley Jacobs


Mayor Eckert called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Motion to approve the minutes of the July 18, 2023, Regular Meeting was made by Trustee Markiewicz, seconded by Trustee Rudd, and passed by voice vote as follows:

AYE:        Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Rudd, Trustee Sedon, Trustee Terwilliger

NAY:           0



PUBLIC ACCESS:  No one from the public expressed a desire to address the Board.



Police –The police report was filed with the Clerk and read at the meeting.  Chief Richardson reported 113 calls were handled by the NPD during July.

The speed statistics for the recorder on the spillway were presented for review.  It was noted that between June 26, 2023 and August 6, 2023, 45,415 cars entered the Village.  The minimum speed recorded was 18 and the maximum was 44.  The average speed was 29 mph.


Streets The DPW report was read and is on file at the Clerk’s office.  Highway Superintendent Reidell reported that he was planning to purchase an additional speed reader, combined with flashing school sign, that will be placed on Bridge Street.  He provided brochures for the Board’s review.


Water – It was reported that usage decreased from 3,312,000 gallons in July 2022 to 3,274,000 this year. Water testing and operations were normal.


Code Enforcement- The Code Officer’s report was filed.  It was reported that 7 permits were issued in July.


Dog Control – No report issued.


Joint Youth Trustee Sedon reported that camp has ended for the season, but they have not had their end of the year meeting yet.  JY Director Jacobs, who attended the meeting, stated that there were over 103 campers that participated this year.  She stated the retention rate was approximately 80% throughout the duration of camp and that it never fell below 50 daily attendants.  Trustee Sedon stated she had heard a lot of positive comments about the program and parents were very appreciative.  Trustee Rudd asked when the last day of the beach was.  Director Jacobs stated that the beach was scheduled to close on Friday, August 18th, and that the ropes and chair would be taken down on the following Monday.  It was reported that because the ropes and lifeguard chair would still be up for the weekend, the gate would have to be locked.  Several Board members found that was an issue because of the warm weather that was predicted for the upcoming weekend.  It was noted that cars were parking illegally on Route 30 when the gates were locked.  After discussion, Director Jacobs stated she would schedule guards for the weekend and keep the beach open through Sunday afternoon.


Park Use Requests – There were no park use requests.


Marketing – The Clerk gave a marketing update.  She reported that the summer season events in the park will be ending soon.  She continues to work on Fall Fest, which will be held on Saturday, October 7th and the Christmas Tree Lighting/Parade on Saturday, December 2nd.  The Clerk reported the Fulton County was looking to assist the Village with a financial contribution toward the Doins parade.  She stated the County recognizes the volume of tourists that come to Northville to the event and that generates additional sales tax revenue for the entire County.  She stated she will be having a meeting with FC Tourism Director, Carla Kolbe soon.


Report of Village Projects – Mayor Eckert reported that the CFA was submitted for the Pedestrian Walkway at the spillway. She indicated that awards are usually announced in December. The stated that the next project advisory committee meeting would be on September 11th.


Tree Commission – Highway Superintendent Reidell reported that the arborist spent a couple hours viewing hazardous trees around the Village this week.  He indicated that six trees were deemed dangerous and would be scheduled for removal.



Treasurer Matthews requested the following transfers:



From:  A1930.4         Judgements & Claims

To:      A3120.1         Police – Personal Services


Trustee Markiewicz made a motion to approve the transfers as presented by Treasurer Matthews.  The motion was seconded by Trustee Sedon and carried by voice vote as follows:

AYE:        Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Rudd, Trustee Sedon, Trustee Terwilliger

NAY:           0






PAYMENT OF BILLS                                                         

The monthly financial report was reviewed and bills to be paid from the General Fund in the amount of $ 39,408.62, from the Water Fund in the amount of $ 4,833.55and from the Joint Youth Fund in the amount of $ 5,651.86 were presented for payment. Motion to approve payment was made by Trustee Sedon, seconded by Trustee Rudd, and carried by voice vote as follows:

AYE:        Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Rudd, Trustee Sedon, Trustee Terwilliger

NAY:           0




Mayor Eckert provided the Board with tentative changes to the Village Code dealing with snow and ice removal.  She indicated the committee had taken the suggested changes and drafted a revision that will be sent down to the municipal attorney for review.  There was a lengthy discussion whether the Village would contract the snow removal out or do it in house.  After consideration, the Board felt it would best for the Village to clear the sidewalks when necessary.



Mayor Eckert reported she received a letter from NCS Superintendent, Dr. Sarah Chauncey, requesting assistance from the Village DPW with work pertaining to ground preparation for their greenhouse they are going to be installing.  After discussion, Trustee Markiewicz made a motion for the Village to assist NCS with ground preparation for the greenhouse installation.  The motion was seconded by Trustee Terwilliger and carried by voice vote as follows:

AYE:        Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Rudd, Trustee Sedon, Trustee Terwilliger

NAY:           0



Mayor Eckert reported that the September meeting date would need to be changed due to NYCOM training scheduled for the week of September 18th.  After discussion, the Board scheduled the September meeting for Tuesday, September 12th at 7 p.m.


PUBLIC COMMENTS:  No comments were offered by the public.


At 8:01 p.m., Mayor Eckert requested to go into Executive Session to discuss a Personnel issue.  She asked the Clerk and Treasurer to attend. Trustee Markiewicz made a motion to enter Executive Session to discuss a Personnel issue.  The motion was seconded by Trustee Rudd and carried by voice vote as follows:

AYE:        Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Rudd, Trustee Sedon, Trustee Terwilliger

NAY:           0



The meeting resumed in Regular Session at 8:30 p.m. on a motion from Trustee Markiewicz, seconded by Trustee Terwilliger, and carried by voice vote as follows:

AYE:        Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Rudd, Trustee Sedon, Trustee Terwilliger

NAY:           0



It was reported that no action was taken during the Executive Session.


Trustee Rudd made a motion to not open the Beach next summer.  The motion was seconded by Trustee Terwilliger and carried by voice vote as follows:

AYE:        Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Rudd, Trustee Sedon, Trustee Terwilliger

NAY:           0



ADJOURNMENT:     There being no further business before the Board, motion was made to adjourn by Trustee Rudd, seconded by Trustee Terwilliger, and passed by voice vote with no one dissenting.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:56 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Wendy L. Reu, Clerk